> Statistics calculated between 20241130_060009 and 20241130_125015 > Number of ms files analized = 42 > The maximum number of channels is 2880 > WARNING: ms files were missing for some subbands > WARNING: nchan < 3072. There are missing channels > WARNING: Dynamic spectra plots will be incorrect --------------------------------------------- > Statistics calculated on XX > 5 antennas have maximum power < 2 CPU: Correlator number: [126, 169, 178, 198, 301] Ant name: ['LWA365', 'LWA069', 'LWA105', 'LWA110', 'LWA209'] > 0 antennas have mininum power > 40 CPU: Correlator number: [] Ant name: [] > 3 antennas show excessive temporal variability defined as normalized standard deviation > 0.1: Correlator number: [52, 176, 182] Ant name: ['LWA317', 'LWA103', 'LWA131'] The antenna showing the largest time variability is LWA103 (176) > 13 antennas show anomalous spectral shape (not necessarely bad signals): Correlator number: [28, 52, 60, 77, 82, 90, 176, 182, 210, 236, 296, 314, 330] Ant name: ['LWA352', 'LWA317', 'LWA351', 'LWA038', 'LWA046', 'LWA275', 'LWA103', 'LWA131', 'LWA143', 'LWA159', 'LWA206', 'LWA297', 'LWA243'] --------------------------------------------- > Statistics calculated on YY > 4 antennas have maximum power < 2 CPU: Correlator number: [69, 126, 185, 244] Ant name: ['LWA005', 'LWA365', 'LWA132', 'LWA190'] > 0 antennas have minimum power > 40 CPU: Correlator number: [] Ant name: [] > 1 antennas show excessive temporal variability defined as normalized standard deviation > 0.1: Correlator number: [338] Ant name: ['LWA244'] The antenna showing the largest time variability is LWA244 (338) > 32 antennas show anomalous spectral shape (not necessarely bad signals): Correlator number: [4, 37, 41, 44, 47, 51, 56, 81, 94, 101, 105, 123, 156, 177, 190, 211, 220, 225, 237, 254, 255, 284, 285, 288, 291, 298, 299, 301, 309, 313, 314, 338] Ant name: ['LWA271', 'LWA263', 'LWA280', 'LWA292', 'LWA295', 'LWA303', 'LWA336', 'LWA043', 'LWA363', 'LWA017', 'LWA021', 'LWA262', 'LWA334', 'LWA102', 'LWA319', 'LWA142', 'LWA279', 'LWA127', 'LWA158', 'LWA359', 'LWA347', 'LWA293', 'LWA290', 'LWA170', 'LWA171', 'LWA208', 'LWA207', 'LWA209', 'LWA235', 'LWA239', 'LWA297', 'LWA244'] --------------------------------------------- > XX and YY combined statistis > 8 antennas out of 352 (2.3%) have maximum power < 2 CPU: Correlator number: [69, 126, 169, 178, 185, 198, 244, 301] Ant name: ['LWA005', 'LWA365', 'LWA069', 'LWA105', 'LWA132', 'LWA110', 'LWA190', 'LWA209'] > 0 antennas out of 352 (0.0%) have minimum power > 40 CPU: Correlator number: [] Ant name: [] > 4 antennas out of 352 (1.1%) show excessive temporal variability: Correlator number: [52, 176, 182, 338] Ant name: ['LWA317', 'LWA103', 'LWA131', 'LWA244'] > 44 antennas out of 352 (12.5%) show anomalous spectral shape: Correlator number: [4, 28, 37, 41, 44, 47, 51, 52, 56, 60, 77, 81, 82, 90, 94, 101, 105, 123, 156, 176, 177, 182, 190, 210, 211, 220, 225, 236, 237, 254, 255, 284, 285, 288, 291, 296, 298, 299, 301, 309, 313, 314, 330, 338] Ant name: ['LWA271', 'LWA352', 'LWA263', 'LWA280', 'LWA292', 'LWA295', 'LWA303', 'LWA317', 'LWA336', 'LWA351', 'LWA038', 'LWA043', 'LWA046', 'LWA275', 'LWA363', 'LWA017', 'LWA021', 'LWA262', 'LWA334', 'LWA103', 'LWA102', 'LWA131', 'LWA319', 'LWA143', 'LWA142', 'LWA279', 'LWA127', 'LWA159', 'LWA158', 'LWA359', 'LWA347', 'LWA293', 'LWA290', 'LWA170', 'LWA171', 'LWA206', 'LWA208', 'LWA207', 'LWA209', 'LWA235', 'LWA239', 'LWA297', 'LWA243', 'LWA244'] --------------------------------------------- > 12 antennas out of 352 (3.4%) might have ploblems in either XX and YY (excluding bad spectral shape)